Notre conception de cette maison à Byron Bay ne serait pas possible ailleurs. Il est uniquement influencé par les terres sur lesquelles il sera construit.
Rob Mills
During 2020, Rob Mills secured approval for a world-class residence in Byron Bay, with the council unanimously endorsing our approach. This was a significant achievement for RMA, and one which epitomises our standing in Australia’s most coveted locations.
Embracing Byron Bay’s wonderful temperate climate, the glazed façade is opened in warmer months, with no barriers between interiors and landscape. In winter, the house cocoons. By contrast, the garden pavilion by the pool is always open to sea breezes.
There is a purity to the central pavilion’s geometry. Its grandeur and theatre sweeps you within, then offers an intimacy at a human scale, before the grand scale returns as the building opens out to embrace the landscape beyond.
Like the expressive form, the selection of materials is of the earth – stone, steel, timber and glass – which is repeated throughout in subtle colours and finishes. With similar great care, the landscape is designed to regenerate indigenous flora which will seamlessly connect with the wilderness.
Byron Bay Residence welcomes, inspires and nurtures. Its sense of flow is felt quite literally as light sea breezes move around you, and as you pass through its spaces with ease.
Tenant compte du merveilleux climat tempéré, lorsque la façade vitrée est ouverte pendant les mois les plus chauds, il n'y a aucune barrière entre les intérieurs et le paysage. En hiver, les cocons de la maison. En revanche, le pavillon de jardin au bord de la piscine est toujours ouvert aux brises de mer.
Deux pavillons flanquant le pavillon central, conçus pour les deuxième et troisième générations, comprennent des salons et des centres de bien-être. Il existe une pureté dans la géométrie du pavillon central. Sa grandeur et son théâtre vous envahissent, puis offrent une intimité à taille humaine. La grande échelle revient alors que le bâtiment s'ouvre pour embrasser le paysage au-delà.

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