This is a house where the endless view has driven the design. The trumpet-shaped façade allows the eye to travel along the wall, past the yacht club and out to sea.
Rob Mills
Taking advantage of its beachside corner site the house delivers a three-dimensionality of form, in that it is designed in the 360 degree with as much attention devoted to the sides and rear of the house as to the front.
Norms are inverted as bedrooms are placed behind a high masonry wall at ground level while living, dining and kitchen spaces are contained on the first floor.
"The Esplanade can be busy and we wanted our clients to have the opportunity to be elevated and engage with the views of the sea and the sky. By borrowing this public space it allows the house to breathe", says Mills.
Again the internal arrangement defies convention with the informal living situated at the rear of the first floor, adjacent to a generous outdoor entertaining terrace, which faces north. The expansive kitchen and dining are also on this level while the formal living area, in turn, relates to the view aspect, sunken below eye level so as not to obstruct the vista.
"Formal living, while less used, provides a generosity of space and the clients will make the most of it in the evening. We are planning a large internal curtain which can separate the spaces when required", says Mills.
This is a family home with a double height rumpus room and a swimming pool - all which can be viewed from the vantage point of the kitchen. "This is a house which is not only visually connected but is also physically connected," says Mills, "there is a flow, an ease of circulation, both internally and externally".